Good morning, dear Blue Cove Neighbors.
Thanks to the selfless, and on-point volunteer work put forth by our esteemed neighbor and Blue Cove Association Director, Ray Mikes, we have moved with the first phase of the entrance light project. The first phase of this project, introduced a horizontal drilling procedure under Camp Drive, and subsequent pipe-laying, for electrical wires to be pulled through, so both sides of the entrance will have available electrical connections for permanent lighting installations. Ray Mikes is looking for volunteers to help him with pulling the old electrical lights out, and do some trenching/digging for additional cabling to be run. If you would like to help Ray and volunteer your time, please contact Ray at 954-683-3978 or e-mail him at Thank you, your participation is very much appreciated.
Thank you for all that you guys do for our neighborhood. You make the neighborhood a better place.